Making the Most of Your Weekly Supervision Sessions

For this week’s tip, we turn to GGK and RE-MAP trainer Zoe Lemme. In this post she addresses a question that comes up frequently as programs work toward creating a program culture that supports the work that Home Visitors are doing with families utilizing the GGK and GGF curricula. One Home Visitor asks “What can I do to feel better prepared for my weekly supervision?”

Zoe explains that, generally speaking, as you prepare to discuss each family, you will want to think about how you will share the following in regards to each family during supervision:

  •  What is the quality of the parent-child interactions I’ve been observing?
  • Think about what you have observed around E-Parenting, Getting In Sync, Character Builders, CHEEERS
  • What parenting, family strengthening and other life skills have I been working on with family members?
  • Think about the tools and strategies you have  been using to accomplish this (GGK & GGF Modules and Action Tools)
  • What are the family’s and my own current concerns and priorities/goals?
  • What am I planning to do next? And how will I do that? Where might we go next in GGK & GGF?

Thanks Zoe…great suggestions! The emergent use of the curriculum is a more advance skill that everyone wants to be able to do well. Your thought on being well prepared will help home visitors make the most of the time they have with their supervisor as they increase intentionality in their work with families.

Again, remember, keep the questions coming. If you have any challenges that you would like help with, you can email them to


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As evidenced by seven independent evaluations, the GGK Curriculum produces outstanding results

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