Babies and Over-Stimulation: What are the Cues?

Have you ever felt overwhelmed or insecure at overcrowded, noisy places such as sports events or concerts? Sometimes these exposures make us feel so uncomfortable that we want to run away or escape. Have you ever considered that babies feel the same way when they are...

Let’s Talk Tummy Time

Last week we talked about physical activity and how important that is for both health and early brain develop. Today let’s expand that a bit and talk about one specific physical activity for our tiniest humans…Tummy Time! Helping parents understand why this is such an...

Physical Activity…It’s a Family Affair!

The importance of making sure that we all get some physical activity every day is not news to any of us. The struggle to make this happen is not easily overcome, however, for many of the families that we work with (and possibly even our own families). As you know, one...

Opening Doors by Showing You Care…

Theodore Roosevelt is often quoted as saying “Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care?” (Dickenson State University, 2015) Do you think this idea relates to how program families connect with you as a home visitor? You bet! It really rings true...